Events and programs

Events and Programs

A Flagship Event for Experienced Executive Coaches

ESMT Berlin 14th Coaching Colloquium 

Whatever Works: Coaching and Beyond in Supporting Executives

Continuing the tradition of exploring difficult moments in executive coaching, we are getting together to explore the new reality of coaching and the possible challenges associated with using coaching together with other human support approaches. 

During the Colloquium we will be working with real cases presented by real coaches and commented upon by fellow professionals. We will continue building on our previous experience of creating a natural coaching development laboratory with an opportunity to learn and to contribute to the learning of others. Participants are expected to maintain confidentiality of the discussions and will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement about the cases explored during the Colloquium.


To take part in the Colloquium, participants need to submit a short paper describing a difficult, exciting, or unusual leadership coaching case from their practice and a separate description of their way of handling that particular situation. The “Whatever Works” theme gives the authors an opportunity to reflect on their needs to go beyond coaching in their interventions. We specifically invite cases that can reflect the coach’s struggles, temptations, anxieties, hopes, and choices. As usual, we at ESMT are more interested in finding out what is really taking place, rather than what some of our colleagues fantasize about.

ESMT Berlin Campus

December 13-14, 2024

Open Enrollment Executive Education Program at ESMT Berlin

Leading with Psychological Intelligence 

Understand what really drives people's behavior - and become a better leader

Become a more effective leader and develop the interpersonal skills required to foster productive relationships with a diverse range of individuals.

Leading with psychological intelligence builds on the latest research to offer insights into human behavior that will inform new leadership methods and tactics:

  • Learn how to build effective working relationships

  • Develop methods for leveraging the differing motivations within your team

  • Find out how to overcome internal barriers to change

  • Increase acceptance of your ideas and work requests

The number of participants will be significantly lower than in other executive education courses to encourage active involvement and ensure personalized attention.


April 16-19, 2024

Septmber 10-13, 2024